Oil Field
Utilizing the latest foundry technology since 1984, Alpha Investment Casting specializes in hundreds of different alloys with the tightest casting tolerances possible.
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PED Compliant
Alpha’s experienced staff, combined with the latest technology, allow them to boast six-sigma grade process control with very little variation and high repeatability. We take pride in forming partnerships with our customers to work together to reduce part cost by using strategic casting designs with superior quality.

Specializing in Hundreds of Unique Alloys
PricingEngineering &
Alpha Investment Casting is the elite name in the industry, where quality and the customer are the top priorities.
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Pride And
On December 5, 1791, Alexander Hamilton presented to the newly formed House of Representatives his "Report on Manufacturers". In this report Hamilton proposes that the American government should support manufacturing as an "integral part of the American economy". This report sparked the beginning of America’s world dominance in manufacturing, innovation and entrepreneurialism. All we need do is review American history with names like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and so many others to see what Hamilton’s visionary report created. However, some of that vision has been lost over the last couple of decades as more and more companies move manufacturing jobs out of the country. At Alpha Investment Casting, made in America is just the first part of our vision of “Making it in America”. When you take made in America, add a lot of pride, some innovation and a heap of entrepreneurialism you get what “Making it in America” really means. So if you are looking for someone who is “Making it in America”, you might want to give us a call.